This is the chair I used throughout my residency. It is very comfortable. I set it on the sheet I brought, which doubled as a floor sitting area and display visualizer space. The wooden frame, stool, and easel were already present in the main studio area. A kind of play on ready-mades and how the universe will provide what you need if you open your eyes.

Early after arriving in Paonia, I bought a white rose and babies breath from the flower shop in town. The woman was kind, she even gave me a second rose for free. Flowers bring me comfort and are very pretty, both alive and dead.

The display was set up for visitors to have an experience- they were offered a comfortable place to sit and view the work I created. My sketchbooks and journals were also made available- to share what I perceive as my secretive inner workings, thoughts, memories, experiences, and humorous run-down of my anxieties. It was an opportunity to be vulnerable and expose my fears and share the human experience of empathy. My work emphasizes the fine line between personal and universal experiences.